Not idly do the Leaves of Lorien fall.
J.R.R. Tolkien
During the Third Age, Lothlórien was perhaps the fairest realm of Elves remaining in Middle-earth. It was ruled by Galadriel and Celeborn from their city of treehouses at Caras Galadhon—and home to wood elves known as Galadhrim.
After passing through Moria, the Fellowship of the Ring spent some time in Lothlórien. Galadriel prepared them for their quest by individually bestowing gifts upon each member.
After Sauron’s defeat, the power of Nenya—and thus Lothlórien itself—began to fade.
The elves came to believe that their stay in Middle-Earth was coming to an end, so they decided to journey westward and make a home for themselves in the Undying Lands.
The Leaf of Lórien cufflinks are masterfully crafted to make a subtle but meaningful statement. The artwork depicts the leaf of a mallorn tree, a species that grew only in Aman, Numenor and Lorien. They go hand in hand with enamel pins of the same design.
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